Day 3

Day Three: Discussion about Brigitte Kovac's remote contribution Walk Me Home, followed by a discussion of Julio Cortazar's treatment of language and translation in Rayuela (Hopscotch), led by Mariajose Rodriguez Pliego.

Mariajose Rodriguez Pliego discussing Julio Cortazar's Rayuela

Mariajose Rodriguez Pliego, Marianna Maruyama, Louis Hothothot, Igor Sevcuk

Louis Liu, aka Louis Hothothot's performative lecture "Transparency, Bomb, & Translator", screening of a work in progress

Loius Hothothot

Lunch in Goleb's guest studio

Go Eun Im's experimental re-translation of a lecture by Hélène Cixous.

Marianna Maruyama

Mini-lecture and discussion led by Igor Sevcuk. Rada Ivekovic's essay "Permanent Translation" and a late-night screening of Intruder (dir. Claire Denis) based on the autobiographical essay "L'Intrus" by philosopher Jean-Luc Nancy.

Igor Sevcuk

Photos by Mirko Lazović and Go Eun Im